Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hello Internet

Anyways there has been some interest in my transparent LCD window for my upcoming PC build I thought I may as well share it's build progress.
Currently I have a Corsair Air 240 White case and that's about it as I am waiting to see how AMD's Ryzen and Vega stuff look; and waiting for Tax return to pay for the thing.

I intend to go with a Asus Republic of Gamers build.  All that's been done so far has been painting the grill red and painting the inside of the case white.

For the case window LCD I have some junk display I had laying around, it just so happened to be the right size for this case.  I removed the display backlight and inverter board along with the many light scattering sheets.
The display is more translucent than transparent so it has a bit of a frosted look to it.  I think this has to do with how LCD screens were manufactured back in the early 2000's,

However this was all just to see if I could make this work and how well the effect looked.

I think it looks pretty awesome, so I ordered a new display.
Here I have a manufacturer refurbished Samsung LTN141P4-L04 LCD panel.
This panel was originally used in laptops like the Dell Latitude D510.
I got it off eBay for a pretty good price.

This display is SXGA+ with a resolution of 1400x1050, the old display was only 1024x768.
I'll put this new panel in this weekend once the display driver board I ordered comes in.

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